Show Results
PHOTO:: A kangaroo on our front lawn 19th December - Our last show for 2004 and Tucker goes out in style taking out BOB and Best Exhibit In Group.
16th December -
November -
Tucker is leading the
Ozdog Showdog of the Year Competition for Top Standard Poodle for South Australia. 30th October - I just wanted to share with you all the passing of Flloyd today. It is pretty sad here but I can happily say Flloyd crossed over with dignity and a wag of the tail. Sadly he suffered a stroke late this morning and was unable to use his front legs and at 12 1/2 it wasn't fair to him to try and see if he got better. With the blessing of the vet he slipped away into a peaceful sleep. He will be sadly missed by all. Photo below taken this morning.
24th October - Tucker goes Runner-Up In Show qualifying him for the 2005 Battle of the Champions. 10th October - Tucker gains his final points for his Australian Champion title, making this the 9th home bred conformation Champion for Kirada. 3rd October - Tucker gets his first All Breeds BEST IN SHOW. 26th September - Shamu sired a litter of 7 babies in Victoria. 12th September - Tucker's first show cut out as a Junior - R/U in Group 6th September - Tucker has been cut into pattern after the Royal 22nd August - Tucker gets his 4th Puppy In Show 15th August - Tucker yet again goes BOB and Puppy In Group 1st August - Tally goes Puppy of Breed, Best Opposite Sex and Puppy In Show at the Poodle Club of Alberta Regional Specialty. 30th July - Tally goes Puppy of Breed at the Poodle Club of Canada National Specialty. 31st July - Tucker goes BOB and takes out his 5th Puppy in Group win.
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